A ROBBER threatened a pregnant woman at knifepoint before escaping with more than £3,000-worth of sterling and euros from a shop.

Police last night appealed for help to trace the hooded raider, who struck just before closing time at The Cheque Centre, in Stanley, County Durham, shortly after 5pm on Friday.

The three female staff members were preparing to close when a man carrying a knife walked into the premises, in Front Street, and demanded the contents of the till.

He threatened the manager, a heavilypregnant woman in her mid-20s, with the knife and forced the two counter staff to hand over the money, mostly in euros, but with some sterling.

The robber, wearing a scarf and hood to conceal his face, then fled the shop, walking along Front Street before using an alley at the side of council offices to head in the direction of Beamish Street.

Detective Inspector Marian Garland said the shop staff were not injured, but were shocked by what happened.

No customers were in the premises at the time of the raid.

“This was a very frightening experience for the victims and I would urge anyone with information about the incident to come forward,” she said.

“I would also urge business people and other members of the public to get in touch if they become suspicious of someone offering, or attempting to exchange sterling or euros.”

She said that investigators would also like to hear from a man who spoke briefly to officers on Friday claiming to have spoken to the suspect in the alley, because he may have further information valuable to the inquiry.

The robber, who spoke with a local accent, is described as 5ft 8in, of medium build, and his clothing, including the scarf and hood, was all said to be dark.

Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Sergeant Cliff Thompson on 0345-60-60-365, or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800-555-111.