PIPERS from across the North hit the right note despite being given the wrong music when they played at the Moscow Military Tattoo.

Musicians from 102 Battalion Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers Pipe Band were given music for pan pipes instead of bag pipes ahead of their recent visit to Red Square.

Pipe major David Barker secured the correct music and after some last-minute rehearsals, the group of pipers and drummers was able to take part in one of the world’s biggest military music festivals.

Arthur Middleton, a retired pipe sergeant who still plays in the 25-strong band, said despite the setback the show went off without a hitch.

“We were told we were doing a seven-to-ten-minute performance on the square, we had the music for that and we had rehearsed that,” he said.

“But when we got there on the morning of the first rehearsal we were told we would be playing in the finale, and all of a sudden we were given sheet music with about five or six tunes to learn.

“We just had to practice on our own in little corners or on the bus, with practice chanters, but we managed to get it perfect and it was a great night.” The band is made up of civilians and Territorial Army soldiers from the battalion’s companies in Newcastle, Newton Aycliffe, in County Durham, and Grangemouth, in Scotland. It has performed all over Europe and rehearses in Newcastle.

Anyone interested in joining the band is asked to ring 01325- 307220.