A GROUP’S campaign to save rainforests from destructive soya farming has won the support of its local MP.

Darlington MP Alan Milburn has thrown his weight behind Friends of the Earth’s Food Chain Fortnight and its campaign to increase awareness of the link between UK factory farms, the soya farming that sustains factory farms, and the destruction of the rainforests because of overaggressive soya farming.

Darlington Friends of the Earth has collected more than 350 postcards from supporters.

The group has called on MPs to support small farmers and only spend taxpayers’ money on planet-friendly farming.

Mr Milburn said: “It’s great that so many of my constituents have got in touch with me over this important issue.”

Darlington Friends of the Earth spokeswoman Mary Gravenor said livestock production was responsible for 18 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

“Every single postcard has been sent by a local person who wants to buy and eat planet-friendly food, so we are delighted to have our MP’s backing,”

she said. “We need the Government to help planet-friendly farms instead of providing subsidies to intensive factory farms.”