Hutton Magna's open Art, Photography and Craft exhibition had its preview last night.

A good selection of locally contributed material was judged by the well-known Grace Gilpin, MA. Prizes were awarded as follows:

Adult Art

1st Prize: Bryan Ramsey for his painting "First Drive of the Day"
2nd Prize: Jacqui Ritchardson for her painting "Cothersone Church"

Artistic Photography

1st Prize: Jane Law for her "Summer Fountain"
2nd Prize: Richard Laidler for his "Derwenwater from Castle Head"

Snapshot Photography

1st Prize: Graham Dodd for his "Wet Pet"
2nd Prize: Kim Hodgson for her "Happy Pigs in Straw"


1st Prize: Kim Hodgson

Under 16 Art

1st Prize: Kim and James Hodgson for their Baboon Mask

Adult Craft

1st Prize: Mick Donaldson for his hand turned Butter Dish and Apple Bowl