A POLICE car responding to an emergency call ploughed into a homeowners garden after colliding with another car.

The accident happened just after 10am on Saturday morning when the marked police car was travelling along West Dyke Road in Redcar.

The two officers were taken to Middlesbrough's James Cook University Hospital suffering from minor injuries, while the driver of the other car declined treatment.

A witness living opposite the bungalow where the police car came to a halt said she was alerted to the accident when she heard a loud bang.

Lesley-Ann Bell, a 30-year-old mother-of-three, said: "I heard the police car coming as it had its siren going and the next thing I heard was a loud bang. I looked out of the window and saw the police car had gone through my neighbours garden wall.

"I rushed outside to make sure everyone was OK. The driver of police car got out straightaway and there was a small amount of smoke coming out from under the bonnet.

"The passenger in the car was stuck in for a few minutes and it took two people to bend the door over to get him out. He looked badly shaken and was having difficulty walking.

"He sat on the wall and when the ambulance crew arrived they put a collar on his neck and put on a stretcher.

"The driver of the Ford Escort was badly shaken up, but said he didnt want to be taken hospital. He went home, but came back an hour later to make sure everything was alright."

There were traffic problems along West Dyke Road while officers investigated the cause of the accident.

Mrs Bell added: "This road is always really busy, but I have never seen anything like it - the cars were backing up in both directions and causing a lot of problems.

"My husband, Graham, and some of the other neighbours went out to try and get drivers to go an alternative route."

A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said the squad car had its flashing lights and siren operating as the officers were responding to an emergency call when the collision occurred.

Witnesses are urged to call Acting Sergeant Paul Hardwick, of the road policing unit, on 01642-326326.