Called down the Bottom House (Queens Head) last Wednesday for the first of their music nights.

It was nice to see about thirty people had turned up for their inaugural event and I must say everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves, whether performing or just listening.

It’s true that a lot of the people there were followers of the organiser - Len Rowland-Jones - but I recognised ten or twelve ‘locals’ which is an encouraging start for a mid-week entertainment night.

Three or four people played guitar, a young lady sang a few ‘raunchy’ shall we say ‘folk songs!’ and one chap - who was obviously the world champion - played the ‘spoons’.

I went to the bar and was ‘collared’ by Diane Bright, who just wanted a chat. After five minuets, the landlord CLOSED the doors to the ‘music room’! I think the pair of us have a ‘Scotch Whisper’.

Anyway, I can recommend a look down there to check it out, your sure to have a good laugh!

Bottom House Music Nights; Every Wednesday at 8-00pm.