A COUNTRY show blighted by bad weather in recent years, basked in a welcome dose of sunshine yesterday.

The summer conditions brought out the crowds at the 57th Lanchester Show, in County Durham.

There was a limited return of livestock for the first time since the 2001 foot-and-mouth epidemic, with the well-subscribed classes for Highland Cattle and commercial sheep welcomed by the farming community.

The horse and pony shows, and Kennel Club classes were also well attended, while a display of vintage farm machinery was another popular feature.

Adding their muscle to the show were the Young Farmers’ Clubs of County Durham, who took part in tug-of-war challenges and helped with other activities.

Joint show secretary Carol Cliffe said the weather stayed kind – until a late sting-in-the-tail, when with only the last events to be completed, the heavens opened.

“We thought we’d got away with it, but with only a couple of classes left the rain started and it was really heavy,” said Ms Cliffe.

Despite the late thunder storms, it is hoped the general positive trend continues in coming years.

entrant in one of the equestrian classes