A DISUSED hut has been transformed into a replica train station for care home residents.

Staff at Redworth House Nursing Home in Shildon converted a wooden structure in the grounds behind the home into a place for residents to relive the town’s railway heritage.

The facility includes a mock cafe, waiting area, luggage, and recordings of train sounds.

The walls are adorned with old pictures chosen by residents, and decorated with pots of flowers, which residents helped to paint.

Lynn Small, home manager, thanked all staff members who helped create the area, particularly the home’s activities co-ordinator Pat Cox, and day centre manager Darren Watson for his joinery work.

Mrs Small said: "We used to call it the cow shed, because there was nothing in it, no-one wanted to go in there, and it had no soul.

"But it looks fantastic now, and is making a real difference to our service users."

Ms Cox added: "We chose the railway theme because the home is located where the Shildon shops used to be, and the former Wagon Works ran alongside.

"It is the 25th anniversary of their closure this year, and many of our service users remember that era."

Plans are afoot to create an allotment, beach scene, and park area elsewhere in the grounds.