TWO new walk packs will be launched this summer – to guide people around Thirsk and Easingwold.

The packs are the latest in a series being created by the Hambleton Strollers to encourage people to use walking to keep fit and healthy.

They will join packs for Northallerton and Bedale and contain a series of short walks around the towns.

Set up under the ‘Walking for Health’ scheme, the group holds weekly outings in Stokesley, Great Ayton and Northallerton and fortnightly walks in Thirsk, Bedale and Easingwold - which are led by volunteers.

Routes are generally on level surfaces in towns and villages - using field paths when the weather is suitable. Everyone is welcome – especially older people and those who would like to find new friends and new places to go.

Walking is particularly suitable for people with health problems - heart conditions, asthma, Type II diabetes and certain cancers - which can all be improved by taking regular exercise. To launch the packs short walks will leave Easingwold’s Galtres Centre on July 21 and Thirsk Swimming Pool on August 19 – both at 10.30am.

Copies of the Strollers programmes are available from local libraries, council offices and leisure centres. Or for more details call Age Concern on 01609-771624.