CHILDREN could be among the first to be given a vaccine against swine flu in a bid to hamper the spred of the virus this winter.

Scientists say vaccinating children would be the best use of limited stocks in the event of an epidemic this Autumn.

In America officials have already begun researching plans to turn schools into centres for innoculating thousands of youngsters.

A study by experts at the University of Warwick has concluded that stopping the virus in children will give the wider population herd immunity, slowing the virus down as it spreads.

Although a prototype vaccine has been produced months ahead of schedule it is an impossible task to produce even vaccine in time for the UK flu season.

Tests still need to be carried out on the flu shots because authorities are mindful that in the last swine flu outbreak in America 30 years ago side-effects from the vaccine killed more people than the virus itself.

European health authorities have given regulatory approval to fast track the vaccine but it will be several weeks yet before they can be certain the shots are effective and harmless.

In research published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection, Dr Thomas House and Professor Matt Keeling from the University of Warwick's Department of Biological Sciences have used computer modelling to predict the spread of pandemic influenza and to look at ways of controlling it effectively, particularly where supplies of vaccine are not sufficient for universal coverage.

The researchers showed that, as might be expected, the disease is likely to spread fastest in densely-populated conurbations, suggesting that these should be priority areas for tackling the spread. However, they showed that vaccinating entire households at random was an inefficient use of resources; instead, vaccinating key individuals offered sufficient protection to others in their household.

Although a simplification of the complex reality of pandemic flu transmission, the researchers believe their model provides a robust argument for vaccinating children.

"Our models suggest that the larger the household - which in most cases means the more children living at home - the more likely the infection is to spread,"

says Professor Keeling. "This doesn't mean that everyone in the household needs to be vaccinated, but suggests that vaccination programmes for children might help control a potential pandemic."

The researchers argue that targeting children for vaccination would not only help protect those at greatest risk of exposure to the virus, but would also offer protection to unvaccinated adults. This so-called "herd immunity" effect would mean that significantly less vaccine would be necessary to help control the spread of the virus than if it were offered to everyone.

"Given that children are generally at particular risk from the disease, we believe that vaccination programmes for the young can be justified," says Dr House. "Although not sufficient to prevent a pandemic in themselves, such steps may support other control measures such as social distancing, antiviral drugs or quarantine."

The current study focuses on household transmissions. In the event of a disease outbreak, other modes of transmission are also likely, such as at work or on public transport. However, data for these modes is harder to come by.