A PRESTIGIOUS gold standard has gilded a North Yorkshire College’s reputation as a leading place to study the arts.

The Artsmark Gold award for Northallerton College is official recognition for providing a consistently high level of arts education for its 15 to 18-year-olds.

Staff have been working for the past three years to obtain the Arts Council England accolade - ever since college was awarded silver.

Over that time arts subjects have been encouraged and the expansion has seen an increase in the number of courses including A-levels in dance and drama, music and performing arts, as well as a proliferation of extra-curricula activities.

This year alone the college has been involved in projects with the world renowned Rambert Dance Company, and worked with partner primary and special schools such as the Dales School.

There have been a host of concerts and projects in the community, an arts festival and countless exhibitions.

Staff also have to be involved themselves in the arts and undergo further development in the field.

Head of expressive art Pam Bayston said: "We are committed to the development of arts within the college because we believe it boots students’ confidence and self-esteem which are important to succeeding in life.

"The award recognises all the hard work that has gone on within the faculty, the college and the community. It also gives us impetus to maintain standards and develop further arts provision."

Head of arts Jean Lake added: "This provides great kudos for the college and shows that we have committed to staff development in the arts."