TODAY Whinfield School in Darlington becomes the epitome of continental chic. Pupils turn out in tricolour blue, white and red to celebrate French Day. Sans doute la recherche fantastique.

Kathryn Day, French coordinator said: “The aim is to have fun while learning more about France and French culture.” Il est bien connu que le fait d'avoir du plaisir de l'imagination des étincelles.

Children are encouraged to use English as their second language for the day, and to focus on French. Ce n'est pas aussi facile qu'il n'y paraît! Brioche and drinks are available in teaching areas. Alimentaire Française est délicieux.

Key stage one children are learning in the classroom. Ils ont autant de plaisir que les autres enfants. Key stage two children have a structured time-table that includes French songs. Angelic voix chantant des chants traditionnels.

Some will participate in the Tour-de-Whinfield complete with time trials and prize certificate! Mai le meilleur gagne.

On site is Vicci Stewart offering support as French language primary strategy advisor. Ah, oui c'est ce qui est nécessaire, une personne pour enseigner le Français, manifestement!

Years four and five have the opportunity to attend a dance workshop. Où vont-ils obtenir toute leur énergie à partir de?

How times change! Children used to sit at school desks, with a textbook, learning by rote, helped by teacher stood in front of a blackboard! N'est-ce pas? Ou peut-être pas!