LITTER picker nominations are wanted for a national competition to mark the work of local groups who tidy up their area.

Entries are needed for the Keep Britain Tidy awards which are held to honour those who look to make improvements locally.

Hambleton District Council is urging people to nominate community groups, Women’s Institutes, schools and businesses.

John Proud, Hambleton’s street scene manager, said: "We have lots of litter picking groups established in Hambleton who regularly undertake clean-ups.

"It would be nice for communities to show their appreciation by nominating those workers for these awards.

"So if you know someone who has inspired and motivated others to improve the local area with a Big Tidy Up event nominate them for an award."

Last year in Hambleton around 13,600 groups took part in an annual Big Tidy Up clean up event and they collected 30,000 bags of rubbish.

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To borrow gloves, fluorescent vests, litter tongs and bags from the council with all waste collected contact 0845-1211-555 or