■ Prune shrubs such as spiraea and Kerria japonica once they finish flowering

■ Wall-trained pyracantha can be pruned now. Remove shoots which are growing directly away from the wall or directly into it, then reduce other shoots to around 7.5cm in length

■ Harden-off slightly tender shrubs which you moved inside for winter

■ Feed spring-flowering bulbs

■ Thin out hardy annuals as necessary

■ Clear out any containers that have been used for winter displays, ideally replacing old compost with fresh

■ Apply a spring lawn fertiliser if you didn’t do so last month

■ Plant up hanging baskets but protect them at night in a porch or greenhouse

■ Hoe-off weeds between crops of fruit and veg

■ Continue to mound up the soil along rows of early potatoes

■ Regularly remove side shoots from greenhouse tomato plants as they develop and tie plants in to their supports as necessary.