A UNIVERSITY college is setting the standard for green tourism.

Durham University’s Collingwood College has been awarded gold status from the Green Tourism Business Scheme - the first student accommodation in the region to receive the honour.

The scheme’s audit committee said the college had ‘excellent systems in place which are designed to improvement the environmental management of the site’.

Michelle Crawford, bursar of Collingwood College, said: "The college environment team has worked hard to achieve the gold award and it is amazing we have the same award as Gleneagles."

Tara Duncan, the university’s environment co-ordinator, said it was a fantastic achievement and something other colleges were planning to work towards.

"This achievement from Collingwood College further demonstrates the university’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting environmental sustainability," she said.

A recent project saw Durham Prison inmates create bird tables and bat boxes for college grounds, using timber supplied by the college.