A PLAY featuring an all-female cast is coming to north Durham.

Amanda Whittington's Be My Baby opens next month as the Gala Theatre in Durham.

The in-house production, set in 1964, tells the story of 19 year-old-Mary who falls pregnant and is sent away to a mother and baby home.

Having directed six sport-mad men in Alf Ramsey Knew My Grandfather, Simon Stallworthy is facing a challenge with six women.

He said: "I was mentally prepared with 'Alf' because I knew what to expect.

"The male cast members were all huge football fans, something I'm not, and I knew there'd be much dressing room banter to manage.

"But going into rehearsals for Be My Baby is a whole different kettle of fish and I have no idea how it will work.

"I haven't ever worked with an all-women cast before, so it'll be a new experience for me."

It is not just the six cast members who are women.

As well as writer Amanda Whittington, the stage manager, assistant stage manager, set designer and costume designer are all women.

Mr Stallworthy added: "There are very few women-only plays around, and it was quite deliberate that we went from a very male-oriented play to one featuring all women.

"I've been asked how I'll cope working with so many women but actually I think the work ethic of the group will very strong.

"They'll probably be more focused than a group of men, and if the boys from 'Alf' are anything to go by, not half as gossipy!"

Be My Baby runs from June 18-27 and tickets costing £10-£13 and can be booked by calling 0191-332-4041 but there will be a Pay What You Like Night on Monday June 22.