A CAMPAIGN to fight the proposed privatisation of the Royal Mail got under way in the North-East yesterday with a balloon launch.

A 20ft red pillar box, a 7ft postcard and unionists carrying out a public petition stopped shoppers in Durham’ Market Place.

It was part of the Communication Workers Union’s (CWU) Keeping the Public Posted tour.

Jason Llewelyn, a 42-year-old postal worker, from Coxhoe, near Durham City, is the branch secretary for the CWU in County Durham.

He said: “We have had tremendous public support and people have come in their droves. One hundred per cent of the people we have spoken to are against the proposed privatisation in any form.”

Mr Llewelyn said private investment would erode the existing service as shareholders focused more heavily on profits instead of serving communities.

He added: “There will be a steady decline in the service and small business will be significantly under threat as it may no longer be cost effective to use the postal service every day.”

The tour will be continuing around the region, stopping at the Angel of the North today, then Darlington, Sunderland and York respectively for the rest of the week.