A KNIFEMAN with a fear of dogs was arrested when police set an alsatian on him.

Teenager Nathan Gunn was ready for a battle with police until the alsatian was drafted in.

He immediately put down his two knifes and lay on the floor so he could be handcuffed and taken away.

Gunn later told officers he was prepared to stab them until he saw the dog.

Teesside Crown Court heard that the 19-year-old told police he suffers from cynophobia – a fear of dogs.

Gunn, from Eston, near Middlesbrough, admitted affray and two charges of having a knife.

Judge Brian Forster adjourned the case, but told Gunn he could be jailed.

The judge called for a psychiatric report because Gunn boasted that he enjoys terrorising and hurting people.

Gunn, of Moorcock Close, Eston, Middlesbrough, was remanded in custody to be sentenced on July 10.

The court heard he wanted to be jailed to avoid being attacked by a man he owed money to.

On January 25, Gunn went into his local shop armed with a knife, threatened staff, took a can of lager and went outside.

He sat on a wall, drank from the can and called police from his mobile phone.

Police initially thought it was a hoax, but Gunn convinced them they needed to come.

Gunn then went back into the shop and threatened staff with another knife.

After he was arrested, he told police he would have stabbed anyone who got in his way.

Harry Hadfield, prosecuting, said: “He said he was also going to attack the police.

“However, they had a dog and he has a phobia of them, and threw the knife away.”