AN attempt to string together the longest ever necklace was launched in the North-East over the weekend.

Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights organisation Liberty, got it under way on Saturday.

She was in Lebeado, in Durham, to kick off the Guinness Record for the world’s longest necklace, which stands at 80m.

The giant fundraising attempt to string together a 100m necklace, which would circle the neck of The Angel of The North at least ten times, will unite schools in Gateshead and Zimbabwe.

Profits from the sale of bead packs, priced at £1, £3 and £5 will be divided between The Cedars School, a Sports Academy for young people with complex disabilities, and Chimbumu School in Gureve, which enables rural children to resume their interrupted education.

Lebeado spokeswoman Kate Watkin said: “The idea is try to catch people’s imagination because, at the moment, it is hard to persuade people to help a charity thousands of miles away.”

It is hope the necklace will be ready by fair trade week, next February.

Ms Chakrabarti said: “I’m so proud to be part of Lebeado’s record-breaking attempt to link these inspirational schools in Gateshead and Zimbabwe. I’ve always felt that human rights are a celebration of our common humanity and creating the world’s longest string of beads is a great way for us all to pull together and make a contribution.”