Firstly a massive Well Done to everyone on Saturday 16th May at the Cledales Rally. We came first overall, so thanks to everyone who helped and competed.

Thanks to Northallerton Young Farmers for organising the day and Mr & Mrs Greaves for an excellent rally site.

Last weeks meeting (19th May) was Float Preparation at Chris Harrisons. Thanks to eveyone who helped and thank you Mr & Mrs Harrison for providing a great supper.

Tickets are available for the County Rally Dance on Friday 5th June, £8.00 before the 4th June and £10.00 on the day. See Chris Harrison or Rob Morris for tickets.

Anyone who judged at Cledales and was placed in the top 4, please can you let Laura know what you would like to judge at County please.

We are doing a stand a Frairy Gardens on Sunday (24th May) please can members come and help on the day, starts at 1pm till 4pm, please be there for 12pm. We need volunteers for the Ducking Stool!

Monday (25th May) is the float in Richmond, meet in the Nunns Close Car Park for 8am, must let Laura know if you would like to go on the float (07891 774651).

Sue Ryder Care are coming out on Tuesday 2nd June so we can hand over the cheque, please can everyone wear club Shirts.

Next weeks meeting (26th May) is a Car Treasure Hunt, meet at the Booth Hall in Catterick Village for 7.30pm, Thirsk and Great Smeaton Young Farmers are invited to join in.