A POLICE officer has recovered a large amount of lead stolen from a church roof.

PC Dave Williamson knew that the lead had been secretly marked with Smart Water before it was fitted to St Mary’s Parish Church, at Cockfield, near Barnard Castle.

He obtained an ultraviolet light and toured scrapyards in the area to check lead bought recently. In the fourth one he visited, he found the haul.

It was in a 150ft-long roll of 6in-wide flashing that was fitted to the church roof this year following the theft of the previous flashing.

Sergeant Chris Knox, of Barnard Castle police, said: “After that previous theft, a builder was called in to replace the lead, and we advised him that it should be treated with Smart Water. This material is invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen with an ultraviolet light.”

He praised police officer David Sellwood for having the material security marked and PC Williamson for diligence in tracking down the lead.

A man who was later arrested on suspicion of stealing the lead and possessing cannabis has been bailed pending inquiries.

The Vicar of Cockfield, the Reverend Jane Grieve, said: “PC Williamson is an excellent beat officer. He hurried here and climbed on the roof to inspect the damage, then went off quickly to check scrapyards. It is thanks to him that the lead was recovered.

“It cost us over £3,000 to put the lead on after the previous theft, and it will cost us about the same this time as our insurance will not cover it.”

Anyone with information about stolen lead in the area is asked to call PC Williamson on 0345-60-60-365.