A DRUNKEN yob who spat at a bus driver and tried to stab him was yesterday locked up for 15 months.

lan Youngson and his friend, Luke Bailey, had been celebrating Christmas in Darlington town centre before the attack.

The pair were ordered off the bus by driver, John Stephenson, for abusing passengers, but Youngson reacted angrily.

He tried to get into the driver’s cab, spat in Mr Stephenson’s face, and then jabbed a knife at him, a court was told.

Youngson, 21, jumped off the vehicle and fled, but was arrested nearby, and admitted lunging the blade at the driver.

Mr Stephenson had a month off work to overcome the trauma, required a mentor when he returned and had trouble sleeping.

Teesside Crown Court heard that Youngson has previous convictions for possessing weapons, public disorder and violence.

His barrister, Tom Mitchell, told the court that Youngson admitted his wrong-doing as soon as he was caught.

“He doesn’t try to avoid any of the prosecution case or what he would describe as boorish and horrible behaviour,” said Mr Mitchell.

“It must have been terrifying for those there, the passengers, and of course, for the driver. At least a guilty plea allows him to say a proper sorry.”

Youngson, of Freeman Place, Darlington, admitted affray and possessing a bladed article on December 23.

Bailey, 19, of Malvern Crescent, Darlington, was also arrested for affray, but accepted a caution, the court was told.

The judge, Recorder Henry Prosser, heard that Mr Stephenson thought he had been stabbed, but was not hurt.

He told Youngson: “It was a very nasty thing to do and involved the use of a weapon upon somebody who was carrying out a service, which the public needed.

“It is the duty of the courts to provide protection to people like Mr Stephenson. Unhappily, you have previous convictions and they cannot be overlooked.”

Mr Mitchell said: “It must be something of a tragedy for a young man of only 21 to have so many matters recorded against him.”

The court heard that the bus was going from the town centre to the Branksome area when Youngson struck, just after 9pm.