A SCHEME to put a roof over a homeless person’s head has been set-up in a North-East town.

Nightstop Teesside is a charity already providing emergency accommodation for homeless young people throughout Redcar, Middlesbrough and Stockton.

The scheme, which was officially launched in Hartlepool yesterday by the town’s MP Iain Wright, provides young people, aged 16 to 25- years-old, who are homeless somewhere to stay for up to three nights.

Volunteer hosts allow people into their homes to give them a chance to get away from their troubles.

Ruth Fox, manager for Nightstop Teesside, said: “This is the 12th year we have been operating and we thought this was the right time to expand to Hartlepool.

“The main reason people need us is due to family breakdowns and this service gives people a little bit of respite.”

Mr Wright said: “I think it is really important we have somewhere like this. I think it is fantastic that anybody would open their home to a complete stranger to help them.

“I really hope people are inspired by Nightstop and sign up to get involved.”

Nightstop UK is the governing body to which all of the Nightstop schemes across the country are affiliated.

It also offers volunteers, workers and committee members the opportunity to meet to exchange ideas, take part in training events and attend the Nightstop conference.

Hosts are unpaid, but receive expenses.

To volunteer, call 01642-493929.