A SENIOR police officer hopes to have raised more than £5,000 for the Special Olympics by running rings around his force headquarters.

Tim Madgwick, acting assistant chief constable of North Yorkshire Police, ran continuously for eight hours around a circuit at the force base at Newby Wiske, near Northallerton, yesterday.

Mr Madgwick was joined by a Special Olympics athlete for part of the challenge.

During the challenge, he completed 48 laps of the course, a total of about 40 miles.

He is a board member of Special Olympics Great Britain, a non-profit organisation dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities to take part in sports.

Mr Madgwick said: “I am undertaking this challenge to engage my colleagues across the country in supporting a wonderful charity and celebrating the national games in Leicester.

“I am planning to cover at least 30 miles to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the games.”

The 30th Special Olympics Games GB begin on July 25, with more than 2,700 athletes expected to take part.

North Yorkshire’s chief constable, Grahame Maxwell, said: “I am proud of the fact that the police are major sponsors of the Special Olympics.

“It is a great charity which helps improve the quality of life of many people.

“I commend Tim for his efforts in raising money for them and raising their profile in our area.”