AN exhibition celebrating the history of Shildon opens next month.

The Durham Lives exhibition at Locomotion: The National Railway Museum in Shildon explores the heritage of the town, and surrounding area, from the 1880s to the 1950s.

Produced by the Friends of the National Railway Museum (North East), the event focuses on daily life from the period, including working life and leisure activities, and features dozens of photographs.

Visitors who recognise people in the photographs are being encouraged to share the information with staff at the museum.

Various memorabilia will also be on display, including the silver trowel that placed the last brick on the Shildon Tunnel in 1842.

The exhibition opens on June 1, and runs until June 28.

The museum is open daily from 10am to 5pm, and entry is free.

For information, call 01388-777999.