WILLIAM HAGUE has offered his support to a loyalty card scheme designed to encourage shoppers to support local businesses.

The ShopLocal North Yorkshire project, launched in Bedale last month, now has more than 80 businesses on its books.

Although originally launched in Bedale, the scheme quickly expanded across North Yorkshire, gathering partners in Masham, Northallerton and Leyburn.

Mr Hague met project organiser Cath Grimsey, in Leyburn, this afternoon, where he stressed the importance of supporting independent shops.

He said: "I think it is a really good scheme.

"The local traders are really enthusiastic about it, and it is good to see customers making use of it.

"I would encourage everybody to shop local anyway, but having a formal scheme is a very good idea."

Mr Hague said he had not yet bought himself one of the £2.50 loyalty cards, which give customers access to a range of offers and discounts from participating traders.

The shadow foreign secretary said that he planned to get one.

Mrs Grimsey said: "It is good that William Hague has given his support to ShopLocal.

"He was very interested in finding out how it works."

Mrs Grimsey says the scheme is now expanding into Thirsk, with Richmond soon to follow suit.

Thirsk town councillor Janet Watson, the town’s mayor until she was replaced by Derek Adamson at the recent annual meeting of electors, purchased the town’s first Shop Local card recently.

Mrs Grimsey said: "The scheme is now spreading to Thirsk and Richmond, and I have over 80 business members and nearly 2,500 cardholders."

For more information, visit shoplocalny.co.uk