DURHAM University says it is "entirely sympathetic" to residents’ concerns over city housing.

University vice-chancellor Chris Higgins said he was as concerned as all other city residents at the imbalance in local communities he said had been caused by landlords converting too many family homes into potential student houses.

Professor Higgins said: "The university has deliberately reduced its number of undergraduate students over the past five years and there are no plans to increase student numbers.

"We have also increased the student accommodation the university provides by opening two new colleges.

"Yet landlords continue to convert more family housing without listening to the university’s plans for student numbers and their potential market.

"There is now a considerable excess of multiple occupancy housing and this is seen in the number of unsightly ‘to let’ signs around the city.

"The university strongly opposes further conversion of family homes and, indeed, would urge landlords and the council to commit to dialogue with the university before developing plans for what is an evolving market.

"Durham is one of the world’s most remarkable university cities and we must all work together to make sure it stays that way."