
Its winter, the morning frost all over the trees The clouds are crying again Its January 27th I think The first time your soft lips touched mine The first time I left like somebody cared It was special, perfect the first indication of true love You changed my life forever, for the better I waited a life time for this to happen You were all I needed After that we spent every minute of everyday being together, admiring each other, ill never let you go were in a happy daze with each other, you keep me from falling apart. We were made for each other. We see the sunrise together its so romantic. That is all the matters, you and me.

27th August 2006, was the worst day of my life. I pushed you away and lost you forever. I loved you and I always will even through your gone. My life was changed for ever. My heart has shattered into a million pieces and I can’t put it back together without forgetting you can that’s never going to happen, you were the love of my life and always will be.

As I walked through the park the flowers were drooping, the trees have lost there leaves and every things seems unhappy, all because your not here. Its like you’re the light of the world and without you every body lives in darkness. I will always stick by you, you know that maybe one day we will be in heaven together and we will be happy.

I have waited a life time for you and I found you all of a sudden your gone. My life has flashed before my eyes and I realised what I did to make you feel the way you did before you died, in my eyes it was my fault your gone. I deserved to lose you, you deserved somebody better than me, I’m just plain old Beth, so why did you fall in love with me.

So I just want to say: Its winter, the morning frost it’s all over the trees.

The clouds are crying again It was January 27th I think The first time your soft lips touched mine The first time I felt like somebody cared It was special, perfect, the first indications of true love. You changed my life forever, for the better I waited for this for a life time.

And now two years on, your gone but I promise I will always be there, no matter what happens, and I love you with all my heart, out memories will stay in my heart forever.

Goodbye Jack Goodbye x