YOUNGSTERS are flexing their muscles as they help transform their own school playground.

Pupils at St Peter's Primary School in Brotton, who helped design the new playground, will now assist in putting the plans into practice with the help of volunteers and teachers.

Residents will be lending a hand to build a willow tunnel, construct a stage, plant food in the poly tunnel and create an area of the field to be friendly to ground feeding birds.

Headteacher John Stinson said: "We are thrilled to be starting work on our school grounds improvements and it is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn through the planning of their own school grounds. It's also great to see everyone so involved and the school receiving so much support."

The project is being run through RBS Supergrounds, a programme to improve school grounds funded by The Royal Bank of Scotland Group and managed by Learning through Landscapes with local support from environmental charity Groundwork.