SMART Alecs and Brainy Brendas from the Bedale area are being asked to pit their wits against one another and raise money for some of the world’s poorest communities.

Members of the Bedale area Christian Aid group are holding a ‘Quizaid’ night at the Buck Inn, in Thornton Watlass, at 7.30pm, on Thursday, May 7.

Last year Quizaid, a nationwide fundraising event organised by Christian Aid, raised more than £180,000 for its overseas development work in 50 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America.

A Christian Aid spokesman said: "This year, Quizaid aims to raise £225,000 with the help of quiz-goers across the country.

"Quizaid events are being organised by friends, families, schools, companies, pubs and churches across the land.

"It is a great way to bring people together for a fun night out and raise money for a good cause at the same time."

Tickets cost £5 including and include light refreshments.

Bookings can be made by calling 01677-422582, 01677-427970 or 01609-748230, or the Buck Inn on 01677-422461.