A PIZZA shop worker stabbed to death his former landlord just days after approaching two policemen and asking “how long will I get in prison if I kill someone?” a court was told.

Ahmedreza Fathi was arrested under the Mental Health Act after the exchange, but was released from custody.

Fellow Iranian Romano Taddi had helped Fathi when he moved to Hartlepool from Consett, County Durham, last year, finding him a job, letting him lodge with him, and paying a bond for a home of his own, the jury heard.

But last summer, the two men rowed about Fathi’s sexuality and the lodger was asked to leave – prompting a failed suicide attempt and him being admitted to hospital.

Fathi, 22, discharged himself and turned up at Mr Taddi’s home in Kimberley Street, in his hospital gown, but was told to leave.

Teesside Crown Court heard later that day that Fathi approached the police officers and after being told he could get a life sentence for homicide he replied: “good, because I am going to kill someone, or myself.”

Franz Muller, prosecuting, said Fathi said he had no reason to live, had no job or friends, no home and was an outcast in his community for being gay.

Fathi returned to a former job at a Consett takeaway, but was again asked to leave, said Mr Muller.

On July 18, Fathi stole a car from outside the pizza shop and drove to Hartlepool where he entered Mr Taddi’s home and waited for him, the court heard.

Neighbours later reported “high pitched screams” as Fathi plunged a seven-inch carving knife into 54-year old Mr Taddi’s back.

Mr Taddi survived but his former lodger struck again next morning with a smaller knife, before fleeing in the car which he later crashed near Newcastle Airport.

Fathi later told police he had murdered someone but it would not be proved, said Mr Muller.

A post-mortem examination revealed Mr Taddi had a total of 67 separate injuries – including 14 stab wounds to his neck, chest and abdomen and there was evidence of him being gagged to stop his screaming.

Fathi, formerly of Grange Road, Hartlepool, accepts killing Mr Taddi, but denies murder. The jury was told he will put forward a defence of diminished responsibility.

The trial continues.