A MAN appeared in court today charged with the murder of a mother-of-two.

Nigel John McLean, 40, of no fixed abode, is accused of stabbing Julie Anne Mordue seven times at her home in Northallerton, North Yorkshire.

The 39-year-old was rushed to the town's Friarage Hospital, less than a mile from her Vicars Croft home, but medics were unable to save her.

It is understood her two young children were not at home at the time of the attack, which happened at around 2.15pm last Tuesday.

Mr McLean, thought to have been Miss Mordue's boyfriend, appeared before Northallerton magistrates this morning.

No plea was entered and he spoke only to confirm his name and address.

Jane Cook, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said police were called to the victim's home by neighbours and found Miss Mordue had suffered seven stab wounds.

Mr McLean was represented by Peter Bradford in court for the short hearing - watched by seven members of the public.

He was remanded in custody until Tuesday, May 5, when he will appear before Teesside Crown Court for a preliminary hearing.