A SCHEME to improve a children’s burial garden has been welcomed by families.

Stockton Borough Council have been asking for views about new plans to replace the grass and plant colourful shrubs in the Garden of St Francis of Assisi, in Durham Road Cemetery.

Of the 30 per cent of questionnaires returned, more than 61 per cent thought plans should go-ahead.

In the responses, many parents were keen to keep a small area for personal decoration, while others asked for the graves to be left alone.

Councillor Jennie Beaumont, Stockton Borough Council’s cabinet member for the environment, said: "I’m pleased the majority of the parents who responded agree improvements are necessary and are happy with our plans.

"We have always sought to take people’s views into account and plan the works in a sensitive manner because we do understand how emotive this is.

"I’m pleased to we can now base our work on the results of the consultation."

The council has written to all grave owners to tell them about the results of the consultation exercise and will start to replace worn out turf and plant shrubs on Monday, May 11.

Families who would prefer to personalise the planting area themselves have been asked to contact the council’s bereavement services team on 01642-527341/42 as soon as possible.