On Monday the sixth of April rE-View took a group of young people to tfm towers to meet dj Wayne Allan. The aim of this trip was to understand how radio stations work and all the effort that goes into presenting a show in order to be able to present their own radio station as rE-View has set up their own radio station for young people to present and for others to listen to.

During the visit he showed us typical set ups as you would hear on his show and as an avis listener to TFM I could relate to what he was doing and when you would hear it in his show.

Wayne was a really nice Chap, he explain to us what it was like to be a radio presenter and all the copyright stuff you need to know. He told us about how he little control over the music he played. He also told us of who the programs and competitions were aimed at.

The night before we were due to meet him he appeared on “Come dine with me, the celebrity Version”. The show had made him appear to be a bully and cruel so in turn he had a lot of hate mail the following day which we all laughed about and he told us of what really had happened and how it was changed to suit what the TV company wanted out of the show, and how it had made him change his perspectives of being famous.

It was great to meet him as we all learnt a great deal and as we talked to him about rE-View live he said that we could go back to interview him as part of one of our shows.

Emily Boyd