We got the chance to interview Josh Wilkinson, Keyboardist and backing vocalist of pop rock sensations Go: Audio shortly after the bands sold out UK April tour!
For people who don’t know you, who are you and what is your music like?

We are Go: Audio and our music’s fun. You can dance to it.

How did you get the name?

Just randomly, we were like looking for one for ages and then it randomly came up. As I said, its completely random.

How did you start the band?

Why.. We always loved music and its what we have always wanted to do. WEHYHOOOO. We started it about 5 years ago. It was James and me at first, then Zack and Andy joined about 3 years ago.

What would you be doing if you weren’t in the band?

What, Personally. Probably like producing music, being a producer. Yeah, that’s what I would be doing.

- If you were a producer, who you be working with?

Erm, like most bands of our genre. You know, like pop/rock bands.

How do you cope together on tour?

Well we all get quite tired, but this tour were doing it in the bus. Yeah, its fine. We love touring. Its like the best part of being in the band.

What do you get up to when your not on tour?

Like writing songs, recording songs, promoting albums or singles, that sort of stuff.

If you could tour with any band, who would it be and why?

Um. Probably someone like Jimmy Eat world. Yeah.

Which town or city do you enjoy playing at the most?

Well we love Newcastle. Maybe London, Birmingham, Cambridge..

When is your album out?

Our album is out on 11th May What can we expect from this?

Basically all the same as our previous singles, what we have brought out before.

What is the most embarrassing stage moment?

Nothing really. Don’t think there has been anything like that. Glad nothing to bad has happened, and hope nothing does.

What is the most embarrassing fan moment?

Nothing. We haven’t had one yet, I don’t think. Its lovely meeting everybody. We get some amazing fans and its really nice to meet you all!


Our fans give us things like teddy bear presents, sweets. All amazing really.

What bands were you into when you were younger?

I was into bands like, Greenday, Blink 182. Those sort of bands… yeaaahhhh.

Your new single, Drive To The City, what is it about?

Um. Drive to the city. Its not really about anything to be honest. But it could be about when you go some were, expecting its going to be really good and when you get there’s its not that good. We have had a lot of problems with HMV at the moment, saying there not going to stock it. So we are going to try and get them out to everyone as quick as we can!

Where do you see yourselves in 10 years time?

Hopefully be touring, putting out more records. That sort of thing!

Why is Zack call BNK?

What, Brown Nosed Ken? Zack, we call him Ken. I don’t know why, we all call him that. Its just one of those names. It’s a bit weird really. What do you guys call him?

Check out and buy Go: Audio’s new single – ‘Drive To The City’ out April 20th and their debut album ‘Made Up Stories’ out in stores nationally from 11th May 2009. Check out the bands MySpace at www.myspace.com/goaudioband By Chloe Spears, Paige Robinson, Jessica Smith and Kimberley Jones