A cycle ride by children in the morning of Sunday 3rd May is one of many events taking place at the South Park throughout the day. From 10.30am to 11.30am wheels will be spinning for Leukaemia Research who do not get any government funding. The organisers of ‘Bikeathon Kidz’ have set a 1.5km cycle route around the park. They aim to raise money towards a cure and better treatment of blood cancers. The entrance fee is £3.00 or £5.00 on the day to participate in the fund raising ride.

There is no charge for entrance to the South Park in the afternoon. A diverse range of activities will bring the location alive with excitement, chatter and laughter. Fun is on hand for all the family from 12.00pm until 4.00pm, with a small charge for some of the concessions. Sponsored by the John Wade Group, known for recycling waste locally; activities will include live music, face painting, craft sessions, street theatre and rides. There is a Punch and Judy show for children. Debbie Hall, a park ranger said: “This is the fourth year we have done this event and it is very popular. We have a mini steam train, a climbing wall and a bouncy castle inflatable. The Middlesbrough Jazz and Blues Band will be playing.” My Little Beauty, a classic trailer for girls who want to do make up contrasts with Laser Wars complete with electronic suit for the more energetic game players. There is no need to get splattered with paint, new technology shouts ‘ouch’ with a firm beam hit! There is plenty on offer. A plan of the park showing where all the concessions will be located in available from the Tourist Information Centre on Horsemarket, from South Park café and the town public library, Crown Street.

For further details telephone Debbie Hall on 01325 383099.