A DRUG dealer caught during an undercover police operation at a lap-dancing club has been jailed for three-and-ahalf years.

Jamie Dixon claimed that he sold cocaine only to friends and acquaintances after his arrest in Redcar, east Cleveland, last September.

But a judge told 32-year-old Dixon: “It seems to me your behaviour was quite determined and went beyond that.”

Teesside Crown Court was told police mounted Operation Night Safe in the resort last summer and targeted Angel’s lap-dance bar.

Undercover officers became suspicious about the movements of Dixon, who they believed was visiting the gents’ toilets too frequently.

One detective saw him pass a package of powder to another man, said Mike Bosomworth, prosecuting. The officer and his colleagues arrested Dixon, a convicted burglar, following a struggle on a sofa inside the club.

Cocaine was found in his jacket and more of the drugs were discovered at his home in nearby Redcar Lane.

The total value of the drugs was said to be nearly £500, while £600 in cash was also found in the flat, Mr Bosomworth told the court.

Dixon’s mobile phones were examined and some text messages revealed conversations with dealers and customers.

Dixon admitted possessing Class A drugs with intent to supply and attempting to supply Class A drugs, on September 8.

His solicitor, Andrew Turton, said he accepted he would be jailed, but had begun making improvements in his life.