PERSONNEL at an RAF base were visited by an actor ahead of deployment to Afghanistan.

Ray Winstone, star of Quadrophenia and Sexy Beast, gave a speech at a predeployment dinner for personnel at RAF Leeming, North Yorkshire.

The star of film and television, who is well known for his role as Henry VIII, spent an afternoon meeting personnel from 2 Force Protection Wing, 34 Squadron and 100 Squadron and touring the base.

In the evening, he was the guest at the traditional predeployment dinner in the officers’ mess. He said: “These are our boys, and I am an Englishman.

“Whatever you think of the politics, these are our boys, and it was quite an honour to have been invited.

“I have been meeting kids whose vocation is to fight for their country and for what they believe in.

“It is about seeing them off and having a good drink with them and to be part of that is, again, an honour. It has been blinding.”

Wing Commander Shaun Ryles, who invited Mr Winstone to the station, said: “His support has helped me show the guys how much their contribution is valued by wider society.

“He had no hesitation in coming up here and giving up his own time to support us.

“He was an instant hit with the lads.”