AN ambitious team of blind and partially sighted kurlers is to take on the world’s best next weekend.

The team of eight, from the Wear Valley area, will travel to Widnes, in Cheshire, for the 2009 Kurling World Championships, which begin next Saturday.

The tournament will see ablebodied people compete alongside blind, partially sighted and disabled people.

The group, which plays for the charity Blind Life, hopes to score high.

Team member Jim Welch said: “We want to put it out to ablebodied people that disabled people can participate at a high level in a sport.

“This is a first for the Blind Life kurling group. It will be a learning curve for ourselves and for the organisers of new age kurling.

What I get out of it is improving my confidence, self esteem, independence and co-ordination.”

Simon Newton, 33, has entered the doubles event alongside wife, Elizabeth, who is registered blind.

Mr Newton will set up the equipment and instruct his partner how best to execute the shot.

He said: “We got into the sport two years ago. It’s accessible to anyone really.”

The team thanked the County Durham Foundation for supporting the trip and Bishop Auckland College for providing T-shirts.

A North-East Kurling Association will be launched at Darlington’s Dolphin Centre, tomorrow, at 10am.

Call Mr Newton on 01388-747217.