FANS of Darlington Football Club have criticised the former chairman for blaming them for two companies pulling out of buying the team.

Last night, George Houghton said that negative publicity from supporters towards him was one of the reasons why two of the main parties vying to buy the club have withdrawn their interest.

Mr Houghton was due to give an interview to The Northern Echo yesterday afternoon explaining the reasons why the club went into administration.

However, he had to cancel at the last minute.

The Northern Echo invited supporters to submit questions to be put to Mr Houghton and has today printed a list of the most pertinent questions.

In an 800-word statement Mr Houghton revealed two of the main bidders with which he was involved have withdrawn their support.

Mr Houghton said: “There has been much publicised about prospective buyers.

“Two of which, Otis and Schultz academy, were prepared to back me with some significant investment.

“However, there has been so much negative publicity from fans about me and my involvement in the club, unfortunately they have now withdrawn their interest.”

A spokesman for Darlington Supporters’ Trust called for Mr Houghton to answer the questions.

He said: “If there is any negative publicity, it has not been generated by supporters.

“If there is some understandable concern and cynicism within the fanbase, supporters have continued to work to support the club and get behind the team despite the disappointment at the administration.

“Legitimate questions are being asked about the club.

“Perhaps Mr Houghton should stop looking at the internet messageboards and provide a response.

“We would urge against any personal attacks from whatever quarter, but we would not be doing our duty as a trust if we did not ask pertinent questions.”

With the withdrawal of the two previously mentioned companies, there are now only two other interested parties.

An, as yet, unknown party and the former vice-chairman Raj Singh, who has already tabled an offer.

Mr Singh defended himself against claims that part of the reason he went into administration was because he was unable to provide extra funding.

Mr Singh said: “I never promised to put the money in.

“We did talk about buying some more shares, but I could see there was no point.

“George Houghton has turned it on me, but with the amount of debt that was outstanding, the money I put in would have been swamped.”