A WOMAN whose family have farmed in a village for three generations has won planning permission to convert a rundown barn into a house.

Liz Snaith’s plan to transform a redundant barn at Holbeck Farm, Ingleton, was approved by Durham County Council’s area planning committee for south and west Durham yesterday (thurs 23rd).

The barn will be converted into a single detached home with a garage extension and garden, with access from a unmade track that also leads to a playing field and hall.

Miss Snaith told them: "I remember helping my late father milk cows in that barn when it was part of a sustainable working farm.

"Now we’ve got a redundant building which does not have any employment use.

"The building has the potential to make a positive contribution to the area, its conversion I am sure will retain if not enhance it rather than it be left to decay."

Members raised concerns about the safety of children using the narrow access lane to reach a nearby play area after a site visit while construction vehicles access the site.

Coun George Richardson, whose Barnard Castle East ward includes the village, said: "I have been inundated by local concerns, the access highway is downright dangerous.

"There is no room for a car let alone a bigger vehicle and still have someone walking down that road.

"We cannot chance a child being knocked down."

Highways officer Neil Thompson said the lane is wide enough to serve the new house and existing properties and vehicles using it will travel at low speed.

Coun Patricia Jopling asked Miss Snaith to agree that building materials are delivered in school time and to be mindful of holidays which she agreed was reasonable.