As most of you know, I run Jigsaw Hair Salon in Darlington with my daughter Leanne. We have a mixed and varied clientele, many of whom have been customers for over twenty years, but on occasion we get ‘recommendations’ and a ‘new client’ pays us a visit.

Last week, I had such a visit, and being a ‘first timer’, this lady wanted to know everything about us.

As I was cutting her hair, the questions came thick and fast… How long have you been cutting hair?

Where do you live?

Have you got a dog??

Do you like walking???

AND…Did I like painting???

She went on and ON!!

I began to think that this woman was as mad as a box of frogs!

The local polis doesn’t ask this many questions!

Leanne was working next to me, doing her mums hair, and she kept catching my eye and grinning. (I knew exactly what she was thinking!) Anyway, suddenly the lady asks me if this was a family business. I smiled and pointed to Leanne. The lady turns to Leanne and says “Oh hello, and have you got any children between you?”

Leanne’s jaw dropped, “I AM THE CHILD!” she shrieked.

“THIS is my mam here”

Diane was in fits of laughter, and I started to think that this batty old bugger wasn’t so bad after all. I mean, she obviously thought that I’m very young looking; what other possible reason could there be!?

On to Monday; I went to Brian Sams’ (Great, Great bloke) funeral at the top chapel. As expected, it was packed. Brian was well thought of round Cockfield, and anyone who could, turned out to give him a good send off.

I walked up the street with my mum. It was a slow walk!

June’s coming up 84, and although she can get around like a spring chicken if its downhill, climbing half way up mount Cockfield is a bit of a pull for the old girl!

Anyway, as we were going into the chapel, there was an old fella stood outside taking the names of all the mourners.

“June Dowson” says mam.

“Nigel Dowson” say I.

The old guy looks up and says, “Is it MR and MRS?”