SUFFERERS from discomforting intestinal conditions were given helpful advice at a support and information event today.

East Durham Renal and Stoma Group staged the advisory session to help break down some of the barriers surrounding all related diseases and disabilities.

It featured various stands, stalls and information boards, supplied by a range of bodies, including Age Concern, Macmillan Cancer Support, various product specialists in the field, East Durham Trust and other support groups.

Group chairman John Cairns said more than 30 people attended the event, at Peterlee Day Centre.

"It’s been a very useful session for all involved.

"We run a monthly support group, but this took it a step further with some of the specialist companies in the field coming along to show their range of products.

"We want people who suffer from these conditions to know we are there if they need to get in touch.

"Everyone is welcome along at our sessions. All they need to do is get in touch or just come along.

"There’s a stigma surrounding some of these conditions, but we are a group who discuss things openly and aim to put people at ease."

The group meets at the nearby Walker’s Learning Centre, on Stephenson Road, on Peterlee’s North-East Industrial Estate, on the last Thursday each month.

It’s next meeting is next Thursday, April 30, at 2pm, with further information available from Mr Cairns on (01429) 838985.

· Mr Cairns thanked Cheryl Caygill, of Peterlee Day Centre, and Abby Thompson, of East Durham Trust, for their efforts in helping to stage today's (THUR) event.