OFFICIALS will tomorow (Friday April24) unveil their plans for the £5.25m revamp of a historic city centre square.

The scheme to breathe new life into Durham City’s Market Place have caused controversy because of fears that two landmark of statues, of Lord Londonderry and Neptune, might be moved off site.

Following opposition from the public the two monuments are expected to be re-located on the site under "preferred’’ plans drawn up by architects for the publicly-funded organisation Durham City Vision, which was set up to devise improvements to the city.

People will be able to find out what is in store for the square and surrounding vennels when the plans go on display in Durham Town Hall, which is in Market Place.

The exhibition is open on Friday from 1 to 7pm and also on Saturday between 10am and 6pm.

Durham City Vision staff will be there to gather people's views on the latest plans, which have been drawn up in the wake of public consultation at the start of the year.

Durham City Vision director Harvey Dowdy said: "We can demonstrate to people who attended the exhibitions that we have listened to what people have said and have taken the designs forward to a level of detail that meets the majority of views expressed.

"I believe we are getting nearer to a scheme that fulfils the potential of the Market Place as a key gateway to the World Heritage Site and commercial centre."