A GOVERNMENT pledge of £525m for offshore wind projects is a “fillip” for the North- East, according to an academic.

Peter Tavner, professor of new and renewable energy at Durham University, said the money, to be given over the next two years, demonstrated the Government’s commitment to the renewable energy.

As many as 30,000 jobs could be created from an expansion in offshore windfarms in the North-East.

Phase three of the expansion is expected to include a wind farm built about 150 miles off Tyneside.

Some eco groups criticised the Budget as not going far enough with its measures, but on offshore wind farm investment Prof Tavner said: “There is no question that the Government is serious about this form of energy.

“The North-East has been steadily trying to build up its profile in this area, and this announcement is a fillip for the North-East.

“The money being talked about is a very significant sum, but bear in mind offshore wind projects are massive and very expensive. To build a single wind turbine costs £2m each.

“It is also technically more difficult to build wind farms at sea, but then you do not have the planning issues you do with onshore.”

Mr Tavner said the thousands of jobs that could be created in the North-East were not going to happen immediately because it could take ten to 15 years for significant offshore wind farm expansion to take place.

He also welcomed the Government’s commitment to cut carbon emissions by 34 per cent by 2020.