Sophie Stratford talks to Jamie MacColl – lead guitarist and backing vocalist from London based indie rock band, Bombay Bicycle Club.

The band began at an early age of 15, and won Virgin Mobile's "Road to V" competition on Channel 4 in 2006, just as they had finished their GCSE’s. Since then Bombay Bicycle Club has been a whirlwind of success, festivals, record releases, and important choices. They play an energetic mix of indie rock, which melodies are instantly infectious, all accompanied by lyrics that still believe in their youth and are sung with the passion of what it is to be young and alive.

So, How did the mini tour go?

It was really good, definitely felt like a step up from the last time we’ve been on tours; in terms of how many people were there. And also we’ve improved a lot in our performance.

How did the band name come around?

Well actually it’s an Indian curry house called the Bombay Bicycle Club, near where we live. We saw it one day and thought that’s interesting so we kept it. In hindsight it was probably a bit of a stupid name but never mind.

What is Bombay Bicycle Club really all about then?

Four guys making music I guess, err I don’t really know.

You’ve come a long way from winning Road to V in 2006, how far do you really want to go with the band?

Well I don’t know, we don’t want to be a really big commercial band; I don’t think that’s really us. But there is a part of you that does want that , and wants to see how far you can go as a band, like conquer the world or something! Part of me wants that but part of me also wants to keep it real and stay true to the music we want to play.

Do you ever think about putting the band on hold and having a job, making music in your spare time?

Well we all have places at university in September, because basically we’re on our gap year at the moment. There is a part of all of us who all want to go to University, if not in September at some point. But at the moment we are very focused on the band.

What’s the best decision you have made occurring the band?

Not to leave school when we were 16. After we won the Road to V it was just after our GCSE’s and a lot of people were saying you should throw school and find a record deal and whatever. However I think we definitely made the right choice not doing that because I think we probably evolved much better having stayed at school.

Where does the inspiration for songwriting come from?

Well I’m not the songwriter, but lyrically it’s probably being young, that’s a big thing for us because we’re only 18-19. We just sing about what we know which is being teenagers, girls and that sort of thing.

What do you spend all your money on?

I don’t have any money haha. Being in a band is not a good way to make money, but when I do have some I spend it on my guitar and stuff.

What’s the best thing about being on tour?

The gig itself definitely. It’s pretty boring sitting in a van for 4-5 hours with nothing to do. Being on tour is weird you sort of drive to towns and play for about 45 minutes a night and then it’s over. Going out in new towns is always fun, I think it’s a good way to see the country too.

What’s the best show you’ve ever played?

Probably Reading 2007, it was the first day of the festival on the Friday and we were the first band of the weekend in the smallest tent but it was completely rammed so it was really nice for us. We knew a lot of people in the crowd and they were singing back every word to us so that was cool.

Where’s the most exciting place you’ve visited?

Well we have only really toured the UK, but we have also been to Amsterdam and Paris. So I’d say them for really getting out of your comfort zone and playing to a foreign crowd is exciting. They are both wicked cities and there’s a lot to do.

Bombay Bicycle Club’s most recent single Always Like This is out now. And their new album I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose is released on 6th of July.