A CRICKET club says plans for a housing estate on its land are vital to its future.

Northumberland and Tyneside Senior League side Shotley Bridge says it will get improved facilities if developer Anvil Homes is allowed to build 25 detached homes and 60 flats at Spa Well Meadows.

But residents have launched a campaign to fight the plans , which have been referred to the Government Office North East for its assessment.

Opponents of the scheme say the development will destroy a beauty spot and wildlife corridor.

But club chairman Paul Nesbit (correct) said: "This development is critical to the future existence of the cricket club and the services we provide to schools and the local community.

"We are the largest and one of the oldest organisations in Shotley Bridge that provides a service to the community.

"It was very disappointing that the tactics being used by some supporters of Save Spa Well Meadows included the use of inaccurate statements, one of which included informing local residents that the cricket club is being forced off our ground.

"Clearly because of our long-standing reputation in the community this may influence the way people are responding.

"I would like to inform anybody who has been so misinformed that the cricket club is 100 per cent behind this planning application and as k them to check the accuracy of all the facts before responding.’’ Members of Derwentside District Council's planning committee agreed they were "minded to approve" the plan before the authority was disbanded at the end of last month.

They made the decision despite advice from planning officers who said the plan should be refused.

It is being referred to the Government Office for the North East to see if a public inquiry is required.

If not, a planning committee of Durham County Council will ratify the decision.