JUDGES from Yorkshire in Bloom were said to be impressed when they visited a market town recently.

Two judges visited Northallerton on April 16, when they were shown around the town by Councillor John Coulson, chairman of Northallerton Blooming Together.

The town’s bloom group, which held its first meeting last month, will handle Northallerton’s entry into Britain in Bloom, as well as considering environmental issues which affect the town.

Coun Coulson said: "There was quite a positive response from the judges.

"We took them to the amenities tips, run by the county council, which they were very impressed with the cleanliness of."

The delegation also visited Northdale Horticulture, and met centre manager Simon Cross, who outlined what planting is going on around the town.

The judges were also shown around Thurston Road industrial estate, before visiting Applegarth Primary School, where they spoke to parents and teachers about the school’s work on green issues.

Coun Coulson said he is pleased at how the group, which is still in its early stages, was growing.

Broadacres Housing has now joined the group, which has about 20 members.

Coun Coulson said: "I am very pleased that we are now getting individual people joining up, as well as representatives from different groups.

"Various things are starting to happen around the town.

"We have not had the official feedback from the judges, but we will get that shortly "After we get that feedback, we will be able to announce some judging dates for Northallerton in Bloom.

"The emphasis will not just be on flowers, but also things like recycling."

* The group’s next meeting will be held at 6.30pm, on May 12, in the Applegarth School.