A SCHEME to build homes on a former colliery site have crossed a planning hurdle.

Durham County Council has granted outline planning permission to build about 36 homes on land which between 1937 and 1970 formed part of the Bowburn colliery site.

If the scheme is pursued, developers would have to return to the council seeking detailed planning permission.

But it is proposed the project would include landscaping, car parking and an access road off Runcie Road.

If it goes ahead, the Mabey Hire Ltd storage and distribution depot which currently occupies the site would move, possibly to Bowburn North or South industrial estates.

Planning officer David Thornborrow told a meeting of the council’s Central and East Durham area planning committee the scheme could bring affordable homes which would contribute to the village’s regeneration.

However, Councillor Mac Williams, who represents Durham South, said he had "grave concerns" over the risk of flooding in the area and called for improvements to the local pumping station before any building began.

"We have had the road, which is below the development, being flooded and the community centre being flooded.

"There’s a desperate need for improvements to the pumping station.

"I would suggest before any building takes place, the pumping station needs to be improved."

Coun Williams also called for more investigation of the underground mine shafts in the area.

Mr Thornborrow said the council was familiar with the flooding issue and earlier in the week had received an application for improvements to the pumping station, which could be carried out during 2010 and 2011.

"It’s unlikely this development will commence within the next couple of years. There’s a need for an application on detailed matters.

"We do exist within a depressed housing market. In the very unlikely event there’s an urgent need to commence, there’s space for discussion between the developer and Northumbrian Water."

Coun Williams successfully called on the committee to agree the development "must not" commence until a satisfactory scheme for the treatment of foul water was completed.