A BOY who had to have his leg amputated as a result of bone cancer is close to realising one of his biggest dreams.

Joshua Mann is looking forward to a magical trip to Disneyland Paris thanks to a fundraising campaign by his nursery school.

Joshua, from Spennymoor, County Durham, had to have his left leg amputated in February – three months after doctors discovered he had a bone tumour.

Surgeons at the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI), in Newcastle, amputated his leg at the thigh to remove the tumour and used part of his shin bone and skin from his calf to reconstruct the limb to his knee.

He is one of only eight people in the country to undergo the operation and, at four, he is the youngest.

Joshua will continue his chemotherapy treatment until July.

His father, Jason, 37, said: “For the first couple of months we were constantly in tears, we went to the hospital and just couldn’t comprehend anything.

“It seems wrong for any children to be in there, but as we saw others running around happily and Joshua gradually getting better, we got more hope.”

Joshua’s mother, Carolyn, 45, said: “The doctors have all been fantastic and we’ve had lots of support.”

Joshua’s fight against bone cancer inspired Rainbow Nursery School, in nearby Middlestone Moor.

Instead of exchanging Christmas gifts, staff donated more than £100 to the children’s ward at the RVI.

Parents and friends got involved and organised a tombola in aid of the family.

The nursery school and supporters have raised £1,256 so far.

Nursery directors Sheila Gardiner and Karen Crawford also arranged the Disneyland holiday through Siesta International Holidays on Teesside.

Mr and Mrs Mann, who had to give up their jobs as a painter and decorator and barmaid to care for Joshua, said the nursery’s emotional and financial support was greatly appreciated.

Mrs Mann said: “Joshua has been in hospital since I first spotted the swelling on November 13. We’ve now got him at home for two weeks. This is lovely for us to look forward to.”

Joshua has been dreaming of meeting some of his favourite characters – Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Sleeping Beauty – during the trip.

And he is already looking forward to realising his next dream, to get back in the pool after learning to swim last summer when the family went to Greece for Joshua’s oldest brother, Richard’s, wedding.